Youth Media Literacy

There is no question that the development of the media and the media society requires basic knowledge and skills in dealing with them. "Media literacy", however, is more than just "being able to operate a computer". Media literacy enables people to use media in a self-determined, responsible, critical and creative way.

Media literacy means:

  • being able to use the individual (new and old) media
  • to know their possible applications
  • a critical examination
  • knowledge of and dealing with dangers
  • active (co-)shaping.

In addition, media literacy must always include a social and ethical component.

Against this background, the Federal Chancellery promotes measures and initiatives to teach this media literacy to ensure that young people can learn to deal with the media in a conscious and critical manner.

The Media-Youth-Info Centre (MJI) is a service unit of the Austrian Federal Chancellery. It is the ambition of the MJI to foster media literacy in all of its aspects. The MJI cooperates closely with other organizations in the field of media literacy, foremost with


Youth Policy